The Great Father and the Hunter

One day a man went out into the bush with his bow and arrow. He was a humble man who worked hard to provide for his family. This day he was trying hard to find game, but was having no luck. Feeling very sad and angry, he sat down on a rock and threw down his bow and arrows.

"Why?" he asked. "Why can I find no game to feed my family? I might as well burn this useless bow and arrows. Can no one help me?"

Behind him a voice said, "Have you asked me for help?"

Surprised, the young man turned around to find the person who spoke to him. But there was no one there.

'Who are you and where are you?" the man asked.

"l am the Great Father," said the voice, "and you cannot see me because I live in the sky. But I know you, and care for you, and if you ask me, I can help you."

'Well, all right, where are some animals that I can kill for food for my family?"

'Well, I will provide for you, but you first must listen to how I have helped you already."

"How do you mean that you helped me?"

'Well, look at your bow."

'Yes, I am looking."

I created the tree from which you made that bow. I made the wood like a spring, so that when you bent it, it was strong and able to throw an arrow very fast. I gave you the skills to be able to shape the wood and make it bend evenly in a shape like the rainbow."

"Okay," the young man said.

"And where did you get the string?" the Great Father asked.

"l wove it from the strong grass I found by the stream."

'Yes," the Great Father replied, "and I created that grass, long and strong, and gave you the skill to weave it into a strong string to stretch your bow."

"Oh, I see," said the man. "And the arrows?"

'Yes, I created the straight reeds and shoots from which you make arrows. I also provided the feathers from the birds so that you could attach the feathers to the shafts to make the arrows fly straight."

"l see," said the man. 'What about the points? Did you make the iron for the points?"

"No," said the Great Father, but I put the iron in the rocks, and taught your great great grandfathers how to melt the rocks to get the iron out, and taught them how to hammer it into sharp points for your arrows."

"l see," said the man. " But what about the animals? Can you make them show up and give themselves up for me?"

"Yes, I can," said the Great Father. In fact, I sent my only Son to earth for you. He sacrificed himself so that you might live forever. Like the animals, he was willing to give up his life so that you might live forever with me in the sky called Heaven."

"l can hardly believe this wonderful news, Great Father. What must I do to deserve this great gift?"

"Simply believe this story and tell everyone else that you believe in Jesus my Son."

"That is all I have to do?"

"Yes, it is. Now, go shoot that antelope over there for your supper."

When the man looked up, there was a fat antelope, standing still, eating some grass.

'What if I miss?" said the young man.

"You won't, if you follow my Word. Listen, you must have faith. You must believe in your aim. Grip the bow firmly, point it at the animal, draw slowly, come to full draw, anchor the string at the same place on your cheek. Slowly let go of the string and hold the bow still until the arrow is well on its way to the antelope. You must believe in your aim. You must focus on a small spot on your target. That is like the simple, small truth of everlasting life through my Son Jesus Christ. The bow is like my strength that enables you to do all things. The arrow is the straight Truth of my word. The string is the Power of my Promise to you. Your anchor point is your Faith in what I tell you. If you hold still and believe in my promise to you, and focus on that small True spot, you will not miss."

The man crept slowly toward the antelope, gripped his bow, pointed it at a small spot behind the front leg of the antelope, drew it fully tight, anchored it on his cheek, slowly let go of the string and kept his arm still. The arrow went straight to the spot where he was aiming, and entered the antelope right behind the front leg. It ran a short distance and collapsed. The man approached the fallen beast, knelt down on the ground and said, "Great Father, I believe in you. I thank you for your gift of this fine antelope and I believe that you also sent your Son to us here on Earth to give us eternal life. I thank you for this day."